Capitalism: Destroying Itself

From the man who correctly predicted the debt crisis of 2008, Nouriel Roubini (@Nouriel), Professer of Economics at Stern School NYU, some chilling words about functional deficiencies in our captilast system. What makes sense on an individual level for firms and households is detrimental, nay potentially catastrophic, on a systemic level:

Karl Marx had it right. At some point Capitalism may destroy itself. You cannot keep on shifting income from labor to Capital without having an excess capacity and a lack of aggregate demand. That’s what has happened. We thought that markets worked; they’re not working. The individual can be rational. The firm, to survive and thrive, can push labor costs more and more down, but labor costs are someone else’s income and consumption. That’s why it’s a self-destructive process.”

via Wall Street Journal Online

Recall Walker

Governor Scott Walker speaks at Wisconsin State Fair.

It’s the Oligarchy, Stupid!

Al Jazeera segment examining inequality in America.

via Max Keiser

The Truth About the Economy

In case you haven’t seen this yet:

Robert Reich: What’s the problem with the economy?

via MoveOn.org

Who will stand up for the corporations?

Here’s some damning evidence of our nation’s emerging status as a corrupt third-world oligarchy:Chart of Corporate and Wage/Salary recovery after last 5 major recessions

Notice the unequal recovery in national income share of corporations vs. wage/salary earners. Also notice how the ratio has changed from a fairly equal recovery in the 70’s and 80’s versus the 21st century recessions. Obviously, corporations are doing very poorly and we need tax cuts and less regulation to help them be more competitive. And let’s not forget to cut benefits and safety nets for those rapacious wage slaves!

via Northeastern University study: “The ‘Jobless and Wageless Recovery’ from the Great Recession of 2007-2009”