Max Keiser says…

My advice to the leaders of this movement and to the movements all over the world is that they should look at the campaign from a couple of years ago called “Stop Huntington Animal Cruelty.” This was a campaign against Huntington Life Sciences, where the campaigners targeted the stock price of Huntington Life Sciences and drove the stock price down to zero. The company had to close and shut in the UK and run to America, where they got some safe harbor for their animal cruelty.

This is the best way to stop these types of banker terrorists. You need to target their stock price and you need to try to drive it down to near zero, and with the global movement taking shape, there is a way to effect this change in the stock price down to zero.

And you get a new balance of power. Power will shift. With reverse capitalism, the fund managers and the hedge fund managers are with the protesters, because they are the ones dictating the price discovery and this is the beauty of a new reverse capitalism. I would not say this is anti-capitalism, this is about reverse capitalism. This is about taking the tools of capitalism, putting them into the hands of the people, creating new price discovery and repricing these assets around the world and forcing the banker terrorists out of the system and sharing the wealth with those who are part of the world community.

via Max Keiser

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